Part (2) of Tapioca Festival


In the first part of the post, we looked at the introduction and background goals.

Now lets look at why Tapioca festival is unique and special. The ONLY one  that you can find in and around the world.

Tapioca festival has been carefully drafted with four main key highlights to yield the maximum impact as below:

1. Tapioca Streets Arts :
This key segment is aimed at unleashing the creativity of our people on the streets. This is where designed cloths, artworks, paintings, graffiti, poetry, music, drama and folktales meet on the streets. On this day, we are encouraging only the best of African tradition, culture,designs and wears. Paintings on the streets, poetry of expression ,music made in Ghana, culture of the people, street games like “Tutuumatu”, “Kpetinge” “alikoto”, “sock balls”, “Kotoklo” and more. This will drive appreciation of skills, creativity, innovation and ingenuity into our YELLOW FRIDAY.

What is  Yellow Friday ?
It is the day for our creative industry to appreciate arts as a gold mine and a vehicle for development. As part of the yellow Friday, we will have a float from  Texaco to the remains of Fort Kongestein and encourage everyone to wear anything yellow.


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